Contactee of Angels & Light Ships (UFOs)
International TV & Radio Guest Lecturer, Recording Artist
Documentary Film Producer
Visionary* Clairvoyant * Clairaudient
Specialized Healing & Clinical Therapist – 30 years
Email: [email protected]
Web Site:
At the age of 5, Victoria’s journey began with Angels as one appeared to her. At that time, she realized her gifts of Intuition, Visions and Prophetic Messages. Victoria’s accuracy has proven to be extremely accurate, as she receives information from the Angelic Realms and Benevolent Brotherhood of Space. Her dedication to serve as an Ambassador of the Stars and to assist in uniting humanity again with their Star Families, has been instrumental in “seeing beyond this reality”. Victoria’s healing practice, music and singing plays a major role in activating personal cellular memory for healing, empowerment, and has been transforming for those who experience Victoria’s lectures and personal sessions.
In 1947, Victoria’s father had an experience with an Angelic/Biblical looking “Being” in the desert. The Angelic Being rode in the car with her father, indicating many truths of the Universe, and information regarding her Father’s personal life. Before the Angelic Being stepped out of the car, he placed his hands on her father and blessed him. He then told him he would have a child who would be contacted to initiate major events in the future around 2000 and on…. The Angelic Being then stepped out of the car, and DEMATERIALIZED BEFORE Victoria’s father’s eyes.
All of her life, Victoria has encountered Angels, The Masters, Light Beings, as well Light Ships (UFO’s) and Heavenly Manifestations. Since 1994, she has captured on video and photography, her incredible journey with the other Dimensions, including spectacular UFO’s projecting the (“Sacred Language of Light”) holographic pictographs i.e., angels, people, the earth, doves, dolphins, telling ‘Earth’s” story as well as images resembling the Star Gates. These images are transmitting messages regarding the transformation of humanity. Witnessing the film actually activates cellular memory through the third eye. As the audience personally witnesses these amazing events, they are activated with a New Blueprint Transformation thru their Third Eye. Many have expressed a major impact on their psychic awareness, dreams, energy level, and well-being. Victoria’s Film and Photography have been analyzed and accepted by specialists in the paranormal and UFO arena.
In 2005, Victoria produced an Award Winning Documentary Film, “Encounters with Angels, UFO‘s and Divine Messages” (on DVD). Film was screened at the NY International Independent Film and Video Festivals in Hollywood, CA, 2005; World Premier November, 2005 NYC. A very personal journey where Victoria shares her incredible encounters with UFOs, Light Ships, and Heavenly Non-Earthly Manifestation phenomena captured on live video and her visions pertaining to the 2nd Earth and Universal Peace. Original music performed by Victoria, complimenting this film. Documentary includes the Utah World Winter Olympics UFO Sighting predicted by Victoria which occurred precisely on day/time of a vision originally received by her in 1968.
Presently Victoria is sharing her film in cities across the U.S., along with a special lecture including her latest phenomena on the “Program of Victory” Tour. This event gathers like-minded individuals together to prepare for the transformation of our World and also raises food and donates it to the local food banks.
Victoria has been a Guest Lecturer at the 2008 Exopolitics Conference in Kona, Hawaii, Aztec, NM UFO Conference 2009, and has shared her experiences, film and profound discoveries, as well on International and National TV/Radio programs including:
BBC of London Radio; Canada; TV News for Norway; TV Italy; Coast to Coast AM Talk Radio; World Puja Network Radio; “As You Wish” with James Gilliland; “Abundance Alley” with Laurie Carty; “Harbor of Light Ministries” with Jason Shields “Cutting Edge TV”- ( Host: Jim Rodger) “UFO AZ TV “- “Off the Record” – (Host : Ted Loman); “Tracie Austin TV Show”- Santa Clarita, CA; “UFO Connection TV” (Host: Cynthia Siegel) – Sacramento, CA; TV Show: “Strange Universe” – Los Angeles, CA.; “Channel 2 – Take 2 “- Salt Lake City, Utah (Host : Rod Decker);” “As You Wish Radio with James Gilliland; “Dave Alan Show” – Monterey, CA ; “Kevin Smith Paranormal Talk Radio” Erskin Late Night” – Phoenix, Arizona; “Seeing Beyond” Radio – Santa Cruz, CA; to name a few.
Victoria was interviewed and featured in the 2005 International Film Quarterly Cannes Issue: “Paranormal and Hollywood” regarding the impact to transform the consciousness of humanity for Universal Peace through films relating to with Other Worlds.
Victoria’s message is one of positive energy, hope, greater understanding of other dimensions, and what is around us. Although we may not see it with our human eyes, it appears on film. As a “Citizen of the Universe”, Victoria’s greatest desire is to bring unity among all people to prepare for the Earth Changes, and to expand their view of what is Beyond this Reality. With the voice of an angel and perfectly-pitched tones, Victoria shares her original music which also ushers in contact with the Light Ships and UFO’s, and provides healing for the Mind, Body, and Spirit.
Serving in the healing arts for 30 years, Victoria is a gifted therapist for healing and transformation through her unique intuitive and spiritual gifts, blended with taking individuals into an altered state into the subconscious mind via hypnosis. As a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, 30 years in Specialized Body Work & Massage, Kahuna Energy, and Spiritual Intuitive Consultation, Victoria has assisted many around the World to connect with their Angels, Spirit Guides and to understand their Star Connection. Her ability to assist individuals to access greater empowerment, transformation, peace, and clarity, are enhanced with her Cellular Healing Command Techniques. This process alters the RNA/DNA coding through the subconscious mind, to initiate rejuvenation, regeneration, reverse aging and the “Light Body” Transformation.
Additional healing gifts were realized by Victoria at age 17, and have intensified since a “Near Death” experience. As a Trail Blazer in the healing arts, Victoria discovered an unusual energy pulsating from her hands “Conduit of Light”. Profound and fascinating stories of miraculous results have manifested from this healing energy. Victoria assists many individuals via Long Distance Healing Sessions.
FILM & MUSIC (available at
DVD: “Encounters with Angels, UFOs and Divine Messages” 44 min. Film
CD “Journey to Empowerment, Self-Healing & Inner Peace”
Healing music along with a guided journey to heal and comfort the inner soul and subconscious mind to love, forgive and regenerate the cells. A second track of healing music without words which is great for healing practitioners.
CD “Sacred Tones” reactivates the RNA/DNA in the body for Transformation and stimulates creativity.
The Tones in chords are sung by Victoria with no other instruments.